Serving women and men in Mocksville and surrounding areas.

What is Abortion Pill Reversal, and is it Safe?


You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Abortion pill reversal is unproven and unsafe for women.”

What would you say?

Join Dr. Christina Francis, board-certified OB-GYN and CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, as she explains what abortion pill reversal is and four key points* about why this process is actually proven and safe.

  1. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, but this blockade can be reversed.

  2. Natural progesterone has been used safely in early pregnancy for decades.

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Help! I think I’m pregnant, what do I do?!


Sister, if I were sitting across from you, I’d sit close and put my arm around your shoulder … and together, we’d first take in a big breath. (sidenote: taking in deep breaths is like a reset – facts!)

Then we’d take the guesswork out of your question and get you a home pregnancy test.

Pregnancy tests can be taken in the privacy of your own personal space, discretely in a public restroom, and/or in the safety and security of your local health department, health clinic, and/or pregnancy center.

Here at Davie Pregnancy Care Center, it is our passion to walk alongside of you during this overwhelming, questionable time. Whether you walk in during service hours or call to set up an appointment, one of our staff or volunteers would meet with you and administer a free pregnancy test. Together, we’d read the results. Whether positive or negative results, we would discuss what resources are available at DPCC and/or in the community based on your unique needs.

If your pregnancy test reads positive …

Consider retesting and/or schedule an appointment with a health care professional to verify the pregnancy. Ultrasounds can be completed at the 5 weeks 5 days gestational mark. At Davie Pregnancy Care Center, we offer free and confidential ultrasounds every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month via Mobile Ultrasound Unit.
Facts: Did you know that a baby’s heartbeat is detected after 5-6 weeks after conception? Baby’s heart begins beating 22 days after fertilization.

If your pregnancy test reads negative …

Continue to monitor your potential symptoms, your menstrual cycle, and consider retesting after some time has passed. It’s always best practice to follow up with a health care professional to verify pregnancy results. To prevent future unwanted pregnancies, consider what family planning and birth control options are available.
Experiencing an unexpected, unplanned pregnancy is also a great opportunity to do a self-check and reflect on your personal relationships, health, sexuality, lifestyle, and goals for the future. If the potential of having an unplanned baby became a reality, how would that affect your world? Oftentimes, these opportunities give us the chance to reevaluate and change what and where we are currently.

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Am I Pregnant - Online Test


Am I pregnant? As you can see, it’s one of the most commonly Googled questions. But since Google or WebMD can convince even us sane ones we have the bubonic plague if we dig too much, we thought we help you figure out if you need to take the next step and come in for testing.


Early pregnancy symptoms check-list:

  • Is your period more than two days late?
    • A late period is usually one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. 
  • Have you felt any changes in your breasts? Soreness, heavier, nipple changes?
    • Some women say that was the first physical change they notice. They often get larger and some describe it as a fever in their bra. Yow-za!
  • Do any smells bother you?
    • As in you can smell the neighbors fish from inside your own house. It’s kind of a pregnancy superpower – for the good or bad.
  • Are you really tired but don’t have an explanation for it?
    • If your body is creating a tiny human, tiredness is definitely normal.
  • Do you have a metallic taste in your mouth?
    • This is one of the strangest symptoms for sure.
  • Are you bloated?
    • Bloating is also a period symptom so if this is your only symptom, we wouldn’t worry.
  • Do you have any other symptoms in combination? (headaches, nausea, food aversions, cravings)
    • Nausea and vomiting can be tell-tell signs and are probably some of the most well known. Food aversions – things you used to like but suddenly don’t, or the opposite, cravings, are also common.
  • How’s your emotional health? (mood swings, unexplained highs or lows)
    • Emotional roller coasters are normal! Don’t worry, it gets better. 😊
  • Have you experienced spotting that went away after a day or two?
    • Spotting can be a sign of implantation bleeding. Implantation is when the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. Some people don’t bleed at all, while others do a small amount for a short period of time. Cramping can also occur at this time.
  • Have you had unprotected sex or contraceptive failure this past month?
    • Any time you have unprotected sex there is a risk of pregnancy or contracting an STD. Even if you always use protection, half of all unplanned pregnancies occurred while using some form of birth control.


Don’t guess, know for sure.  

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Abortion Pill and Your Options


There’s a lot of misinformation about the abortion pill and how it works. If you live in or near Mocksville, NC, we can provide you with a free consultation and answer any questions or concerns you may have.


Before Taking the Abortion Pill:

Determine how far along you are.

The abortion pill is only effective for pregnancies below a certain age. If you are past a certain week, it may be too late for you to take the abortion pill. Ensure you aren’t putting yourself at risk by getting a free limited ultrasound first and finding out how far along you are.

Make sure the pregnancy is viable.

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Need help? Have a question? We're here to help.

Davie Pregnancy Care

Hours of Operation:
  • Tuesday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Thursday
    10:00am - 4:00pm

Reach out to Davie Pregnancy Care:
Fill out my online form.